HCP resources
Find informative resources, guides, and frequently asked questions to help your patients access their Akebia medication.

Auryxia® (feric citrate) resources
Please click here for the Full Prescribing Information.
Billing and Coding Guide
Helpful tips to consider when filling out a reimbursement claim.
Ordering Guide
Information on how to order product.
Get Copay Card
Print this copay card for your patient to bring to the pharmacy.
Vafseo® (vadadustat) resources
Please click here for the Full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING and Medication Guide.
Billing and Coding Guide
Helpful tips to consider when filling out a reimbursement claim.
Ordering Guide
Information on how to order product.
Frequently asked questions
What is AkebiaCares?
AkebiaCares connects healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients to resources that can help patients access and stay on Akebia medication.
Does AkebiaCares offer a Patient Assistance Program?
Effective December 31, 2024, the AkebiaCares Free Drug Program will be discontinued. Patients currently enrolled in the program will be eligible to receive medication through the end of 2024.
Due to CMS regulatory changes that will take into effect in 2025, your dialysis provider will be responsible for reimbursing oral-only medications.
For more information, please visit .
What is a bundled payment?
Beginning January 1, 2025, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is incorporating phosphate binders into the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS). Separate payment will no longer be provided. CMS will pay for these drugs under the Transitional Drug Add-on Payment Adjustment (TDAPA).
For more information, please visit .
What is Transitional Drug Add-on Payment Adjustment (TDAPA)?
TDAPA is a payment adjustment under the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS) for certain new renal dialysis drugs and biological products.
TDAPA helps ESRD facilities to incorporate certain new drugs and biological products and make appropriate changes in their businesses to adopt such products.
TDAPA provides additional payments for such associated costs and promotes competition among the products within the ESRD PPS functional categories, while also focusing Medicare resources on products that are innovative.
For more information, go to .
How can I access medication for my patient in 2025?
We encourage you to talk to your clinical health decision leader at your Dialysis Organization to what the formulary status will look like in 2025 and how your patients can access the appropriate medication for them.